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Another SonicStage problem

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Hi there,

I have just purchased a used portable Sony MZ-N710 Minidisc recorder

which uses ATRAC DSB Type S, and comes with SonicStage software.

I have just used the software to convert some MP3s into ATRAC 3 (I

think) tracks on my laptop and have downloaded them using USB to the

N710 recorder.

The disc I have created plays perfectly on the N710, but will not play

on any of my other MD players. I have an earlier Sony MZ-R70 portable

recorder and and a Sony MDS JB930 deck (which uses ATRAC DSP Type R. These

decks can read the track titles, an dteh tracks appear to play but with

no sound.

Why won't the disc I have created play on either of my other decks? Is

this a protection issue involving Sonicstage, or is it down to a

backwards compatibility problem with ATRAC Type S? Neither of these

possibilities seem very likely to me. The tracks were recorded in SP

mode (ie not in LP mode).

Thanks for any help.

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Unfortunately, the SP provided by SonicStage isn't true SP-- it's LP2 in an SP wrapper. (yes, it's very dumb) I'm not sure if it's even in a format that an LP2-compatible deck could properly play. I'm not sure if the JB930 plays LP2.

The odds are there's no real way to make that work.

Edited by Justin42
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You need to set the transfer settings to "SP Transfer Mode" which will take longer but will playback on the older decks. LP2 & LP4 will not work on the R70 or JB930.

The tracks recorded this way won't be "true" SP quality as previously stated, but they will play fine.

It is true that the older decks will read the titles fine, but as you found out wont play them.

Transferring in SP mode is the answer.

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