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Need help with Sharp DR480 MDLP

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hi everyone.

ive unearthed my old sharp 480h minidisc as the current device im using to listen to music is getting a little uncooperative. I couldnt find the manual and software (the sharp site is unhelpful) and all ive got is the usb to optical and a straight optical cables + my pc mobo has an optical out.

Ive got a few questions which i hope some people will be able to help me with:

1. How do i set my md to create new tracks everytime the track changes on the program im trying to record off my computer? the sync:automode and mark:on/off thing doesnt seem to work, but i recall it working before (im recording straight from my optical out on my pc)

2. Are netmd discs compatible with the old mdlp players? If so, would it be, well not so much cheaper, but easier to buy a netmd deck just to copy music straight onto the disc for the sharp md to play? (i know this sounds silly because i may as well just use the netmd to play music)

3. is there a way to unstick buttons? the panel on the front of my md acts up once in a while and for some reason, sometimes when i slide the hold switch on the remote, the pauses the music?

apologies as some of the keywords i tried to search to help me with my problems didnt produce any relevant results.

thank you for your kind attention



Edited by Ishiyoshi
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serg3: Welcome to MDCF! Try this link for the user manual for your 480h, which I'm assuming is the DR480/h?


(Click on the green link at the bottom. Although it says "DR7," the link is actually to the manual of the DR470, which is your DR480 without the charging cradle.)

Good luck!

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No problem and don't worry, there are quite a few Sharp MD users on this board (I've got 2 myself ^_^ ). Lots of Auvi fans here. It's just that Hi-MD is the newest technology out there for minidisc, and unfortunately, there are no Sharp Hi-MD units so Sony will dominate the forums most of the time these days. Sharp, Kenwood, Panasonic, etc, are all welcome here.

2. NetMD-created discs will play in MDLP-capable players. I'm not sure what decks are NetMD-capable (try checking the Equipment Browser again), but you can always just get an MDLP-capable deck (or an MDLP-capable portable would be even cheaper, depending on the model) to make discs, too.

Just in case I got confusing, my understanding is: NetMD = music is put onto disc in LP2, LP4, or SP format via computer only; MDLP = music is put onto disc in LP2, LP4, or SP format via computer, line-in, or mic-in.

3. RobShaz made a thread on T-Board (http://www.audiotstation.com/forum/showthread.php?t=32079) where a button sticking issue was addressed with the Sony NH900. You can look there for some inspiration.

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