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WTB: Sony RH1

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Hi there,

I think it's time for an upgrade...my loyal MZ-N505 just died on me *snif*snif* but that opens room for a new RH1 :lol:

So, I'm looking for one of those...MUST be in good shape (and thats pretty much my only requirement)

Budget is of €275 tops, and because I'm from Portugal EU sellers are preferred (in order to avoid customs charges - but if you sell the player for less than €227 I don't care where you're from ;))

Guess thats it..:)

Any offers --> PM

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Budget is of €275 tops, and because I'm from Portugal EU sellers are preferred (in order to avoid customs charges - but if you sell the player for less than €227 I don't care where you're from ;))

With the current exchange rate, you should be able to import a new one from the United States on that budget.

http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller...oughType=search (plus $40 US shipping)

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