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I can't transfer songs to my MZ-N1 NetMD

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I am using an MZ-N1. But I've been using it for a couple of years. But recently, when I transfer songs to it, my computer will restart itself.

what seems to be the problem here? Can anyone help me out with this?

I'm using OpenMG to transfer the songs as it came with my NetMD. did anyone experience the same problem too?

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I'm not sure what the problem is, there are a lot of reports of write-heads breaking on N1s as they can't handle the speeds needed for NetMD but this doesn't sound symptomatic of that. If you're still Using OpenMG I suggest you upgrade to the newest version of Sonicstage, 4.2, a link to which can be found in the Downloads section of this forum.

Good luck

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Welcome to MDCF, mech86! :)

As SBG has mentioned above, please include more tech info regarding your present system. What sort of songs were you trying to transfer? Mp3 or ATRAC3? The more you tell us, the more likely a solution can be found.

  MDCF Rules for support-related topics said:
- Operating system version and service pack level?

- SonicStage and Simple Burner versions, if relevant

- Whether codec packs have been installed on the system [especially FFDSHOW - turn off the mp3 bit]

- Basic computer hardware info, including as a minimum: CPU type/speed; amount of RAM installed; USB interface version [1.0, 1.1, or 2.0]

- List of applications that were running when the problem occurred, especially USB helper utilities for devices such as mice or cameras, antivirus app and their version, and anything else that loads on boot and is always open in the background [or the windows system tray, down by the clock in the corner] - Are you truly anti-virus free?

In addition, please review our Hi-MD/NetMD SonicStage Software FAQ if you have not done so.

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