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SS 4.3 works fine on Vista (and Vista as VM guest OS) )

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I've had no probs running SS 4.3 on a 32 bit Vista premium edition. I've also run this successfully on a Vista VM machine (again 32 bit) running as a GUEST OS under VMWARE running SUSE 10.2 (32 bit again) as the HOST OS.

I haven't tried the 64 bit version s yet but the 32 bit works fine.

I'm a bit disappointed about the end of Simple Burner as with Simple Burner you can burn to MD directly 4.3 without loading to the library first which is quite a useful feature when ripping CD's. With SS you have to import into the library first (an extra step).

I wish SS 4.3 would have had the Transfer / burn to MD (or other walkman device) directly without having to import into a library first.

However if you DO have to import from a music library It seems to be "snazzier" or "zippier" than previous versions of SS --even with the "bloatware" overhead of Vista.

Haven't tried this on XP yet but I'll have a go running on a Windows XP VM as I can test this quite easily later.

BTW MD simple burner DOES actually work on Vista 32 bit currently - download the drivers as well for Net MD etc.



Edited by 1kyle
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Haven't tried this on XP yet but I'll have a go running on a Windows XP VM as I can test this quite easily later.

BTW MD simple burner DOES actually work on Vista 32 bit currently - download the drivers as well for Net MD etc.

I thought SS4.3 was basically SS4.2 for Vista and not for XP...?

I know this is a bit off-topic, but I know very little right now about Vista. I hear it's NOT downwards-compatible with any previous version of Windows - is this true? Does this mean one couldn't run SS4.2 for whatever reason?



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