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* I thought I had posted this in "What have you just bought?, Tell everyone what you have spent your money on," but I did not...

no harm done, I guess. Now, if I ever find a Sony JA333ES deck, now THAT night be real news! Not exactly holding my breath on that one, though.

On an A/V user board, I found an MDS-JB940 (Sony MD deck) in seemingly great shape for $200, with two Monster optical cables included. My old 940 was quite a piece of work. It started ejecting any and all discs I would put in it - new, used, cleaning...anything...with a C13 Read Error. So I sent the 940 to Sony, who said they could not repro the problem and that the deck worked fine. They sent it back, it worked fine for a while, and then...yep...C13 Read Error again. Unusable. Now, the 940 has a nice current pulse DAC that is better than the hybrid pulse DAC on my MDS-JE480 and other MD units I have, so I wanted to replace it. Hey, it only cost 1/3 as much as they MXD-400 I imported from Japan! Also, the unit was located not far from me, so once I paid for it, it arrived via UPS the -next- day. I hope it holds up better than the previous 940.

Edited by bluecrab
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