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An MD deck recommendation needed

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Hi all.

I am planning to buy an MD deck in the near future, but I don't know which one is the best for the money I have for it. I am thinking of around 80 and 100 Euros. I'd like a Sony deck, but if a Pioneer is better for this money, than that will go too.

I actually found a deck for sale, it is the Sony mds-je330 Minidisc Deck. What do you think about this? Before you say to read the reviews, I tell you, that I already did it, but I need some fresh opinions.

In the same time I still want to ask you to recommend me some decks, even if I found one for sale. I don't want to buy the first deck I find.


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Consider the Sony MDS-JE480 as well as the 330. The 480 has a more recent ATRAC version (Type S as opposed to the 330's 4.5), maybe a slightly better DAC. and is three years' newer, for what that's worth.

Please be aware that the 480 is LP-capable, while the 330 is not.

And the 480 should be about in your price range, especially if you can find one on ebay. Either of these units should meet your needs if you just need something basic. Neither, I believe, has an optical out or headphone jack.

My only Pioneer deck is the, MJ-D508 deck, from 1999.

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