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MZ-DH10P and the CANNOT PLAY error

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Before I say anything, yes I realize that this is probably an antique by now but I'm still using it and it still works fine for me except for a few exceptions.

When I upload certain songs from sonicstage 3.4 they can't be palyed on my MD. Is it the bitrate? If so how do I fix it so that I can get it to play?

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Are you downloading on the same unit? SonicStage usually won't allow you to download a track that is not supported by the device. For example, you can not download MP3s to first generation or SP-hacked second generation units, and you can not download 48 kHz MP3s to second generation units. But if you use an RH1 to download, say, 48 kHz MP3s to a Hi-MD disc, and insert this disc into a seсond generation unit, it will show CANNOT PLAY.

If you are downloading on the same unit, than the possible problem IS the bitrate, most probably - a variable bitrate. MP3 playback capability in second generation units is quite limited (in comparison to the RH1), and SonicStage can't control all encoding parameters to make sure the track will be playable.

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