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Squeezebox Duet -- great stuff

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I've just been playing with a Logictech squeezebox duet -- I've now got 4 receivers. It's Brilliant

This is the first device that I've seen that

1) plays FLAC natively so no conversions to WAV etc needed It of course handles WAV and a load of other formats as well.

2) has the full range of outputs -- including OPTICAL so you can connect the receiver(s) to any appropriate gear you like (including MD decks or even portable MD recorders) as well as great Home audio equipment.

3) works incredibly well using Wireless connections. (You can also use wired Lan if you want to --not as bad an opton as it seems as those new electrical sockets have LAN connections . I use the wireless capability usually.

4) incredibly simple to use

Note this is purely dedicated to AUDIO streaming --which is great -- Video streaming is another matter and devices currently that try to do both fall short - especially if the Internet Bandwidth is not large enough (or your ISP caps usage).

I usually have a Linux server permanently on so acessing the music files is not a problem.

This is a really great way of listening to music AWAY from a computer and without having to serach for CD's / MD's etc etc.

This is a really great not too expensive high quality device.



Edited by 1kyle
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