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I've read through the topics trying to find a similar situation forgive me if I missed something. I've also tried googling my issue before bugging you guys.

unit: MZ-M10

issue: when brand new standard mds or even std md's recorded by the unit itself are inserted and after a lengthy dance of its internal components it tells me READ ERROR. So far though hi-mds have been working fine both transfering audio from my pc and playing back through the unit itself.

I've tried sony gold 80s brand new, gold prerecorded and fujifilm prerecorded all do the same read error. I've tried to mess wtih playback modes and change it to MD from Hi-MD (I know very little about this little device).

Not sure if there is anything I can do. Maybe I should buy a MD lens cleaner? But if those lens cleaners are formatted for std md then my player probably wont even read them?

Funny thing is ever since it started doing this a week ago I have used it more than I have in last year... maybe trying to get the device to forgive me for not playing with it enough. Any help much appreciated!

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Seems my issue may be unique. Well I've done some more tests on it as well as played a few hours of music off it.

Using hi-md discs the unit will record from mic, the unit will record from my pc w/ sonicstage and it will transfer as well as play back.

But no matter what it refuses to read standard mini discs.

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