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Shure E4c long-term review

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I picked up a pair of E4c IEMs (In Ear Monitors) when I was in Singapore in June of last year ('05). At the time, I was using a NetMD 710, with most discs recorder either in SP or LP2. I had heard quite a bit about them before purchase, but living in New Zealand these kinds of things can be hard to find.

I think I paid roughly NZ$500 at a shop at Sim Lim Square. My first impression was they were not terribly comfortable. I was using the soft rubber tips, and I had a bit of trouble getting a good seal. It took a bit of trial and error with the varying sizes of the soft tips, but I managed to find a pair (the small soft rubber tips) that fit well enough. Then the listening began. At first, I was a bit underwhelmed. I was used to using a pair of PX200s from Sennheiser, so I was used to reasonably tight bass. The Shures just didn't seem to have a good amount of bass punch. I figured this was largely due to the 'newness' of the drivers so over the next month, I let them burn in overnight with some soft white noise (usually a mis-tuned FM station on my receiver). Yes, I know the jury is still out on whether any headphone really needs a burn in period, but I figured I would give it a go.

Within that month, I picked up my HD5. Slowly, I noticed that the bass response improved quite a bit. In fact, I find the bass even now (after all these months) much more accurate and true to the original recording. Granted, I like my music with a lot of punchy bass (80s Brit Pop: Erasure, Pet Shop Boys, Depeche Mode, etc). Despite this, I have found that the overall sound reproduction on the Shures to be remarkable.

A few other variables may have helped, however. First, I've switched to the yellow 'foamie' tips for the Shures. These give an excellent seal and bass response, at least to my ears, is improved. Second, with the HD5, I began encoding at A3+ 192. These two variables, combined with a lengthy usage period, are probably together working to make these Shures an excellent option for fabulous sound.

Ironically, I write this as I am wearing my PX200s. Why? I've found that using the Shures means assuring yourself that you won't have a need to take them out for a while. In other words, once they're in, you'll not want to be bothered by someone, meaning you'll have to carefully remove them, have your conversation, and then slowly and correctly insert them again.

A final point. I do quite a bit of international travel (two to three 'round the world' trips per year on average) and these beat out the Sony NC-20 noise cancelling headphones I used to use (in fact, those were incredibly bulky and annoying to wear over long periods). The Shures *block* sound as opposed to cancelling it electronically.

That's about it. Happy to answer any questions. Can't take any photos right now as my wife has the camera.

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I would say no. But, it's a different kind of bass. The bass in the PX200, to me, is slightly more muddy than with the E4c. However, by my standards, the bass is in the PX200s is not at all muddy, if that makes any sense. My problem is that I have a hard time putting to words what my ears are hearing. Short answer is that the E4c is not necessarily the pick of the lot if you really want boomy bass, largely because they are not supra-aural phones. By that reason alone, the bass might be termed by some to be noticeably weaker if they, like me, compared them to the PX200s. But, as I say, the bass in the E4c is quite 'tight' and definitely present.

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Yeah the foamies work best for me on the Shure E3 as well... I guess if I wonder if the bass is better on the E4 than the E3. I do enjoy some of the same music (that 80s brit-pop as you call it) on open phones more than on the E3, so your review is helpful.

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