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mz-rh1 problem

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My mz-rh1 stopped charging the battery and do not connect to the pc. Gives no sign of finding or searching the disk. Do not fell, just stopped working

It play's just fine but wen the battery is discharge it's oves :(

Is there any solution?

Tanks, an sorry for the English (not my 1º language)

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Is there any indication that the receptacle itself is damaged? That is, if you wiggle (gently!) the mini-USB end of the cable while it is in the unit, is there any movement of the female receptacle in the unit itself? Whatever you do, don't throw it away. If you have to actually send it in for an estimate, make sure they'll send it back to you if you don't accept their estimate. After that, if you're out of options, try to find a reputable local electronics repair person who has surface mount soldering experience--assuming it's simply a broken solder lead on the receptacle. If that doesn't pan out, let us know how much you want for it as parts.

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Interesting. When I enter MZ-RH1 into Sony North America's Depot Repair Request form it says "no matches found"--but it does recognize MZM200, which is equivalent.

I wonder if this person is still active and what his pricing would be:

Sigma D.O. Electronics (David Popovits)

It looks like he's got a website:

Sigma D.O. Electronics Website

It's worth a phone call or an e-mail. He's got to be cheaper than Sony.

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