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Don't you hate it when it happens? I usually leave my HD1 on my console of my van, moved it over to the drivers seat to add water to the engine (Access is by moving the passenger seat up). Got off shift, drove home. Got up in the morning, see HD1 still on drivers seat, saw that I cracked the display by sitting on it, unit plays well, display doesn't work, looks like a 5 minute job to replace, any one know where I can get a display? Will try some of the Sony sites, but wondering if there are any oother choices



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update on finding a display, found a Sony parts and service site, did the internet query, told them what I have, and what I need, got a reply that they needed to speak to me in person, gave them my number, told them to call me, got another reply with more phone numbers, told them that toll free is a pay call here, they then tell me that they cannot ship out of the US, and I need a US address and credit card.

So much for customer service, will try looking for an international site.

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Get a friend in the US to buy it for you, and then have him send it to you. I have done so once.

exploring that option, but Sony won't even tell me if it's available< having a second one sort of alleviates the problem, but would still like it fixed.



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