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Hector Domingo


lets face it, the only thing nintendo did was introduce the video game industry, Sony on the other hand took it to the next level and revolutionised it...without playstation, the video game industry would had not been so advanced, and there certainly would be no xbox, and no originality...something that no other company will be able to accomplishpost-120156-126037605423_thumb.jpg

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lets face it, the only thing nintendo did was introduce the video game industry, Sony on the other hand took it to the next level and revolutionised it...without playstation, the video game industry would had not been so advanced, and there certainly would be no xbox, and no originality...something that no other company will be able to accomplishpost-120156-126037605423_thumb.jpg

I had used all gaming machines but don't why , i find Sony PS3 or Sony PS to be my favorite. When ever the Sony PS evolved , it came up with big evolution.



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