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AAC Support: a question about gapless

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I have a few questions...

I've heard that AAC *can* be gapless if it's ripped/encoded properly (IE last time I checked, which was a long time ago so this may not be accurate, iTunes did not rip gapless AAC, but programs like Nero could). Is this right?

Next question is whether the AAC that Sonic Stage w/ Connect rips is gapless (Did I read correctly that it will encode AAC?)

And lastly, whether it plays back gaplessly on those players that got firmware updates to support AAC (A1000/1200/3000, E00x players).

I'm not considering any of the above-mentioned players, but thought it might be an indicator for the future if they did support gapless AAC by some miracle.

A1000/3000 users, any experience with this yet?

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Just tested AAC files ripped using SonicStage CP, which uses the extension 3gp. It's definitely not gapless. Gap is more noticeable than with mp3 (which is essentially only a click), but maybe slightly less than with WMA, which is closer to the iPod gap. Won't even try with Nero's AAC, since I doubt Sony would make the player read the tag information about gaps.

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Thanks for checking that out for me.

Too bad really, but one can only hope it's something they implement in the future... unless they want to keep that as a selling point for Atrac3+...

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If they wanted to keep it as a selling point, they would put all the Atrac connect music store tracks gapless. But unfortunatly, and it's quite stupid, Connect store tracks are NOT gapless, so what's the point then? ah lala...sony...

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