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Shocking confusion about the A608

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I just downloaded Audacity 1.2.4 and opened 2 high intensity transition files in it viz Easier to run (mp3) and Faint (mp3). Boy was I in for a surprise...

The transition is:

Easier to Run ==> Faint

The spectrum graph in both the files showed no blank spaces either in the end of the 1st file or at the starting of the second file, but still on my A608 v2.01 a small (i mean really small) gap IS inserted during playback.

The same thing happens even during the two songs Dont Get Lost in Heaven ==> Demon Days.

Is there something with Audacity or is the a608 not gapless...

Oh, and before someone tries to point out, I transcoded them into Atrac3Plus before playing them...

The only thing left to do is for me to rip the Gorillaz CD directly into A3P and then try. Then we'll isolate the problem to either the player or the file.

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If the source files are in mp3, then it is normal that the files will not play gapless even after they are transcoded to A3+.

I suggest you do a CD ripping direct to A3+ and transfered to A608 to check if they are gapless.

These threads mentioned about the possible gapless/non-gapless behaviour of A608.



Edited by metal
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Look at the graphs below,

even in the mp3 format they show no gaps...

beginning of faint and end of easier to run.

The surprising part is that some other songs did play gapless(or atleast i thought i heard them)...

Is it something with Audacity that it's taking the mp3 gaps for "granted" and not displaying, or is it true that the A608 is 'gapful'.

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Zoom in to the start/end of each MP3, and you'll find trailing silence, which resulting in gaps. No matter how "short" the gap is, gap is gap. MP3 is not gapless by nature (Lame gapless relies on tags to be gapless).

I don't know if the Axxx is really not gapless or not though.

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