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uploading music without sonicstage

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Hi, sorry If this sort of thing has been posted before, i tried searching but cam up with nothing..

I have recently come into possession of a sony NW-E005 walkman.

I was wondering if there is a way I might be able to get around using the sonic stage software it comes with and directly drag and drop the music to the walkman?

The reason I ask is that I am going overseas and will only have access to library or internet cafe computers, which are not to happy about installing additional software on their PC's.

I have a 30gb Ipod and I plan on using it as an external hard drive with the mp3s loaded on not through ITunes, but copied directly to the drive, so I am able to easily remove them from the Ipod and transfer them to the walkman,so I can change my music during my trip.

Any Ideas would be appreciated

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But I want to use it without any software - just drag and drop.

what about if I convert them all to atrac, copy them to my ipod and then select them to drag to the music folder on the walkman, when I want them?

Well, it doesn't work that way. You can drag-n-drop MP3s, but the unit won't be able to play them. sony MP3 file manager is the closest thing to drag-n-drop. If you want drag-n-drop, you should have bought iAudio DAPs.

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Guest Stuge

There is a Sony app called MP3 file manager, but I don't know if it works with the E00x or not.

Some members of the forum have confirmed that Mp3 file manager ver2 does not work with E00x series

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