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Vaio VPCEH12FX with 3 Monitors? Blocked Port Problem!

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I have a Sony Vaio VPCEH12FX 15.5" laptop.

Current Setup: Running 2 monitors (3 total displays including the laptop screen)


Goal: Run 3 monitors (4 total displays including the laptop screen)

Problem: The laptop's HDMI and VGA outputs are too close together, and only one can be utilized at a time.


Partial Solution: To get my second VGA monitor I'm currently using this converter that converts the VGA to USB so I can use a USB port instead of the blocked VGA port.



Solution Needed: I want to utilize the blocked HDMI port so I can get a 3rd monitor running (4 displays including the laptop screen). I can't use another USB converter device because its already slowing down the CPU/Memory. Any suggestions on how to access that cramped port? Any other suggestions?

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just got a Sony Vaio E series, 8 mnths after your post, and the ports are STILL setup this way so that dual, separate monitors off this laptop using VGA and HDMI is impossible. This has to be the dumbest engineering job I've ever seen. I've searched for "narrow/skiny" VGA cables hoping there is a plug without the massive casing usually seen on VGA end-points. Regardless, this is just stupid. Sorry to be insulting, but Sony is just clueless on this one.

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