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MZ NH700. 8 years of continual use.

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I recently lost my MZ NH 700. Slightly upsetting actually, since it's been in constant use since new. I'm a heavy MD user, and this was my only portable for years. I'd say I have used every function on it over the years, and it travelled the world with me, so versatile these little units. I have since found another MZ NH 700 to replace it (3 actually), but loosing it made me reflect on what a great little unit it is.

I can honestly say it never failed in anything it was tasked with in all those years. It was becoming a little battle scarred, with some wear on the sides of the front plate, I put this down mainly to years of rubbing against the zipper opening on the grey Hi MD pouch it came with. The rubber cover over the USB connector was coming a bit loose, eventually I think this was going to break off, I also noticed the MD discs would have to be firmly pressed in while closing the lid, unlike my "new" one. It would have been interesting to see how long it would have run before a major failure, guess I'll have to wait another 8 years til my "new" one has the same mileage.

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I have one of those bought new in 2004 which is in great shape to replace a problematic Sony LP playback only MD portable. I liked the record quality a lot on it (Type -S made a difference to LP sound) but for personal reasons struggled with using the jog wheel to input titles (the << and >> key routine on the Sharp may of seemed cumbersome but I could use it better with my hands).

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