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Minidisc artists

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I have posted a lot for being new here, i hope older members do not hold it against me.

I was wondering how many artists used minidisc format, is it possible to get most of the well known artists on MD s.

And secondly is e bay the place look for minidisc music or are there more markets?

Thank you,


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Hey PaulDenton,

Welcome to the forums and don't worry about hurting anyone's feeling by posting on interesting and fun MD or other topics here. We have a really great community of devoted MD lovers here and it's awesome members to see new folks join the ranks regularly!!

To answer you question, I know this topic came up in the last couple of months. Another member asked for a list of all prerecorded MDs ever manufactured, I think that some partially complete list was identified.

Let me try to do a search and see if I can find it for you.

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