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Senn PMX-60 problems...HELP ASAP!

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it's been a while since i posted here but this problem is really getting to me, and I don't know what to do!!! :sad:

My Senn PMX-60's are really great headphones. The sound quality is awesome and they are very comfortable, However, this morning when i went to listen to my HD1, the quality just dropped to sounding like a crappy 48 kbps MP3.:huh:

To make sure it wasn't the player, i tried it on a D-EJ2000, my laptop, and my bro's no-name MP3 player and the same result. :unsure:

I tried playing with the cord (at the base, near the jack) to little effect, the quality went back to normal, but then went to sounding lke crap

What is going on here!!!??? Is it a loose wire or something else? Can i fix it myself or get new 'phones?


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