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NWE005 keeps reconnecting in sonicstage 4.0

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Just bought this because it sounds the best when I tested all the available big named DAPs... however on my home PC in sonicstage 4.0 the device keeps reconnecting after losing connection ("device/media not connected") then it re-connects and displays the message "do you want to autotransfer?"; I click "no" it then displays my tracks on the NWE005 but after a few seconds the sonicstage freezes for a second then "device/media not connected" appears and the cycle begins anew... frustrating because the PC at my office works fine with sonicstage 4.0 ... I have tried almost everything from formatting my NWE005, changing the USB power to 100, reinstalling sonicstage, downgrading sonicstage to 3.4 yet the problem persists... I am using a different program now to download music thanks to this forum! but it is frustrating to not be able to use the supplied software...

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