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omgjbox.exe error solved (for me anyhow !)

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I recently encountered the 'omgjbox.exe' error whilst running 'Sonicstage 4.2' on a preinstalled XP SP2 operating system.

Sonicstage had been running perfectly for some time when the error started appearing, rendering music transfers to my NW-A3000 impossible.

Having trawled the net for a solution, I could not find an answer having unistalled/reinstalled Sonicstage 4.2 several times as described on this site, still having the problem.

I noticed, however that Sonicstage would play music files from my library and remain stable, so long as my NW-A3000 was not connected. I also noted that my Net MD minidisc player could also be used with Sonicstage, without any problems.

The key seems to have been how my computer reacted when the NW -A3000 was connected via its USB lead.

I noticed that immediately, explorer started to read files from the unit and it appeared in 'My Computer' as a removable drive - and the files could be read from the drive in explorer/my computer. This never happened before the 'omgjbox.exe' errors started occuring.

This led me to believe that the problem was on the NW-A3000 disk, so holding my breath, I re-intialised the NW-A3000 disk (kissing my 8.5Gb of music goodbye) - then reconnected to my PC.

Sonicstage fired up and I was able to re-transfer my music collection back to the NW-A3000 without any problems at all.

I am suspicious that I may have accidentally disconnected the unit whilst data transfer was in progress, creating a corrupted drive - at some point in the recent past, as its is always a bit of an iffy procedure and you don't really know if data transfer has stopped.

I find now that the NW-A3000 holds only one file called 'OMGAUDIO' where previously it contained other files as well, which had nondescript numerical names - perhaps corrupted directories ??

Anyhow, all is well now - I hope this info helps other 'Oh My Godjbox.exe' error sufferers. :lol:

Edited by madaxeman
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