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Titling Your ATRAC music tracks In Japanese/Chinese/Korean

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For Network WALKMAN & VAIO Pocket

Need to title your ATRAC/ATRAC3/ATRAC3plus files in Japanese/Chinese/Korean using non-Japanese SonicStage CP 4.0? Please follow the registry edit detailed below and run SonicStage CP 4.0 with Microsoft AppLocale Utility.

**Need Microsoft AppLocale Utility? click here. Need instruction with Microsoft AppLocale? Read further below.

Kanji, kana, Chinese and Hangul characters will show as it should if you apply the following edit properly.

  1. Using regedit (Within WinXP, Start --> Run --> input "regedit"), go to

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sony Corporation\OpenMG\PD\{D887F25F-02A3-44D7-841F-583DD5231B5F}

  2. Then locate the entry called "AreaCode" with a value of 2 for US version.
  3. Change it to 40000 hexadecimal. That's the value on the Japanese install of SonicStage.


(*If you wish to title and display music tracks in Traditional/Simplified Chinese, change it to 800000 hexadecimal. That's the value on the Traditional/Simplified Chinese install of SonicStage.)

(*If you wish to title and display music tracks in Hangul, change it to 20000000 hexadecimal. That's the value on the Korean install of SonicStage.)

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Additional Instructions for the PSP or Memory Stick based device

Even though one can select any PSP system language regardless of region, non-Japanese PSP do not automatically provide Japanese/Chinese/Hangul text support for its ATRAC3/ATRAC3plus format. A registry edit is required so that ATRAC3/ATRAC3plus files already titled in Japanese/Chinese/Hangul text (with SonicStage CP 4.0) will be displayed by non-Japanese PSP accordingly.

Please follow the registry edit detailed below and run SonicStage CP 4.0 with Microsoft’s AppLocale Utility. --> *to title in Japanese/Chinese/Hangul with non-Japanese SonicStage, please refer to the above section for instructions.

If you apply the following registry edit, kanji and kana as well as Korean characters (of your ATRAC/ATRAC3plus files) will display as it should on your non-Japanese PSP.

  1. Using regedit, go to

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sony Corporation\OpenMG\PD\{24FBD48F-275E-4b3f-A169-08969C996A0D}

  2. locate the entry called "Char" and change its value to 2.
  3. locate the entry called "Language" and change its value to 2.
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Running SonicStage CP 4.x with Microsoft AppLocale

1) Launch Microsoft AppLocale


2) Locate the Application - for your case: SonicStage 3.3



3) Detect the Language; select the desired language of target application


4) Launch the target application; create a shortcut to always run this application with AppLocale.


*how to add support for new languages with WinXP?

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Why doesn't Sonic Stage read certain mp3s and why. It will play the ones it doesn't read......... Anyone know....?

i also encounter de same prob!!!

but mostly wif de song that hav chinese chracter............

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Well, Everything I have is in english and came from American sources. So the language shouldn't be a problem. These Mp3s play on my ipod with no problem and play with every other application with absolutelty no problem. I'm gonna give up on Sonicstage all together and get an ipod with more storage. Better in the car then having to fumble around with cds.

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I'm gonna give up on Sonicstage all together and get an ipod with more storage. Better in the car then having to fumble around with cds.

Good for you. :) Let's face it, as much as Sony makes good hardware, their software sux so bad. Enjoy your iPod.

Anyway, I have had SS and iTunes choked on certain MP3s, mainly some old MP3s downloaded from the net, encoded with some non-standard crappy encoder with messed up tags/header. Best way is to use another program that can read the MP3 (eg. winamp/foobar tends to be more forgiving), and transcode the file to MP3 again properly (or any format of choice).

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