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NW-A806 not detected!

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Ive just bought the nw-a806 and installed the relevant sonicstage and image converter software but my player will not connect! I plug it in and the connectig image shows on the player and the computer recognises its attached because it shows up in system information but the player isnt showing up as a drive in My Computer or being detected by the SS or IC software....

Any advice or shall i just give up and return it to the shop as incompatable with my pc?

I have wmp11, quicktime installed and the hardware is more than capable...

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well u should remove the driver first from system info and then reconnect the playe r again and let it automatically install the driver. and then it will be automatically comeup as a usb drive on u r system plz chek the player screen does it is showing up usb connect or any thing similar when it is connected to u r pc

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