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Is B series as quiet as ne-e00X series in EUROPE?

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I'm from Poland (Europe) and as we all know Sony, have put some sound blockade on e00X series(I heard EU and AM versions and this from AM is really much louder). Therefore EU players aren't as loud as american e00x.

In nw-e010 series in Europe those blockades have been turned off and EU e010 players are much louder than e-00X.

My question is: Is nwd-b10X series as quiet as nw-e00x or rather as loud as nw-e010 ?

Maybe users from Europe know? Or maybe users from behind my continent know an answer?

Please help me. It's very important.

Sorry for my english.

Edited by garet
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4 answers to this question

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Over 23.500 users! And no one know an answer? I don't believe it!

You're assuming somebody owns all 3 units and has been able to compare them side by side. But I believe the NWD-B1xx is relatively new, so it may be a while before comparisons can be made between them - and that's only if someone owns all of them.

And 23,500 members means nothing unless you think they all read your post within the last 24 hours!

Maybe someone does have all 3, but I think it's unlikely you're going to get a response as fast as you'd like, simply because one of the models is so new. You might get lucky and get an answer, but I think you're going to have to be patient a little longer. . . :)

Edited by juli
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This 23,500 was for mobilization ;) You don't have to own all 3 players. Everybody in Europe, who heard nw-e00X series have to admit that it is quiet. So if someone heard B series player, he can say is it loud or quiet without comparison with e00X or e010. I hope somebody will help me because I have dilemma (Don't know what to buy for a gift. Sansa Express or B103..the only problem is this loudness level in Sony).

BTW. And you users, what do you prefer? Which is better? (FM versions)

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(Don't know what to buy for a gift. Sansa Express or B103..the only problem is this loudness level in Sony).

BTW. And you users, what do you prefer? Which is better? (FM versions)

I would assume there'd be no volume cap on the Sony (the newer models after the 7xx series didn't have a volume cap). If there IS one, I'm sure it can be removed :)

And I'd have thought the Sony would have better SQ than the Sansa Express although that's just my opinion. I don't recall reading glowing reports about Sansa SQ so I'm basing my opinion on that. Sorry I can't offer any useful advice as I don't have those players, but I know that the latest Sony offerings are considered to have great SQ, and with SS now dropped, I would be tempted to get the Sony over the Sansa Express.

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