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ACC File Transfer in Windows Media Player 11

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Hey everyone!

Sorry if this has been posted before, but I'm curious. I've been recently working hard on building up my WMP11 library from iTunes. Interesting thing though, I use a codec from 3ivx, and now ACC files can be played in WMP11. My question is this: Can WMP11 sync these ACC files over to the NWZ series or do these ACC files have to be transfered to the player by drag and drop?

I have also found some additional WMP11 for those who haven't heard already from http://jrmwillis.googlepages.com/home22:

"WMP does not natively support AAC files, however if you install the right codec you can enable this functionality. I have personally used a codec from 3ivx (www.3ivx.com) which costs less than $10, there are also free codecs available. These codecs do not however allow the direct editing of library information in WMP."

So NWZ users out there, can you confirm this for me? My NWZ-A818 is coming in a couple of days and am just wondering! :D

Thanks in advance!

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It plays i tried but if it does download to the library it would be under "Other" in WMP.

Or Just wait a few days for media manager for walkman to come out

Thanks. So just how close is this Media Manager being released? I went on the Sony.UK website and signed up for notification when Media Manager comes out. I think it should come out hopefully before next year, meaning at the latest in December. Do you know of an exact/approximate date?

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what about media monkey or winamp 5.5? these apps support mtp players and aac natively. anyone try these?

I think I read somewhere that it was compatible, specifically talking about Media Monkey with Mp3. Not quite sure about ACC though. For sure in AznBro's NWZ-A818 review, WinAmp playlist don't work with the A818.

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I tried the AAC tag plugin on WMP11, although it reads in AAC tagged files with correct tags it won't sync to the A818, just gives an unspecified error. AAC seems to sync fine on Winamp 5.5 but I find it quite a buggy program, constantly crashing. Drag and drop using Explorer works fine though.

Just a note on AAC files, the A818 only supports LC (Low Complexity), like those on iTunes Plus tracks. Many podcasts use the higher complexity version that doesn't work.

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