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SonicStage 4.4 (Japanese Version) * Solved *

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Heya guys.

Well, I've just received my sony walkman NW-A828 from Japan but I found a problem with the software.

It's says that it can't install the software with my windows language configuration - yeah I've tried changing language to japanese, didn't work out - so I started to look out for help in forums.

I've been reading forums topics for 2 days and didn't found any answer to my problem. The only thing that I found was that I was supposed to format my HD and install japanese windows version but that's darn crazy, I don't understand anything of japanese.

If you guys knows any solution for this, please reply (even if you really think that I'll need to format my HD to japanese windows version v_v).

Thanks in advance.


Well guys, I'm back here again.

Thanks for all those of you who wasted a lil bit of time replying my doubts. None of yours ideas helped me out, I tried all of them.

So.. looking in other forums I found out the answer for my problem so I'll post it here for those who have the same problem as mine.

- Suposing that your windows is on English Version follow the steps:

1. Put SonicStage's CD on your driver;

2. Don't run it, open the driver and copy all archives to a new folder on your pc;

3. In the folder, open SetupSS.ini;

4. Look for supportoslang and infront of the '=' change Japanese to English;

5. Save it and close.

6. Run SetupSS.exe.

Hope this help everyone with this problem.

Thanks for all guys,

Peace :)

Edited by japa
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Guest Stuge

Welcome to AtarcLife !Japa :)

Like Heman, I will suggest you to try using SS ver 4.3 with your Walkman .I'm not sure whether it will work or not because NW-A9xx series Walkman doesn't work with English version of sonic stage If I'm right .Anyway ,Hope for the best .

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T__T.. I tried many times to use SS 4.3 English Version.. but didn't work out. I think that NW-A8xx series from Japan doesn't works with English SS version :x


Do someone else got another idea for what to do? If so, please reply.

And thanks Stuge and Heman for replying ;].

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I guess the first question is why do you buy the Japanese version in the first place, knowing that Atrac and Sonicstage is no longer supported outside Japan?

Try running the installer under Applocale set to Japanese.

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Oh well, if you really wanna know why I bought it on japanese version: My dad bought it to me as a gift, because he's right now in Japan for business.. and I asked him a nice mp4.

I didn't know that it wouldn't work here.

I already tried out to use applocale and it didn't work.

Thanks anyways ;]


Does anyone else got better idea?

Or probably I just lost money? :x


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Hi Japa,

Sorry that you are having problems with this unit. I was considering purchasing the same model, because I wanted something which supported Atrac. If you look over in the Equipment Reviews thread there is a person who has the same model and uses the Asia Pacific version of Sonic Stage 4.3. Maybe you can ask about that over in that thread. Hope this helps. Take care.

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