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start of tracks cut off when recording from PC

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I've had this problem for a while now, and I wonder if it's something on the PC side or my MD:

I load up a playlist of singles I'd like to transfer to MD via the Xitel DG-2 USB audio adapter. So everything records, track marks are inserted properly and life is good... though not perfect. The recorder tends to cut off the first second or 2 of a track as it creates that new track mark and I lose bits of songs.

It's generally annoying and I don't know of any way of getting around it. I didn't think I'd need to insert silence tracks because I am recording digitally and the track marks are added automatically. Any ideas/tips?

Using Sony MZ-R700 with Xitel DG-2. Using Linux :-D

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doc, you have no problems - that is perfectly normal. The cut off part is due to the slight lag between the recorder sensing the silence and stopping recording, and recieving the signal again and starting recording.

The only way around it would to record the whole play list as one track, and manually add trackmarks later.

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Thanks for the update. I was never sure if that was normal. The first track to be recorded always works great, but after that... not so. I guess I would have to use analog recording to make the playlist one track? Or do you know of another way to trick the player into not creating those track marks?

Too bad the recorder isn't quicker at restarting the recording... oh well, I can live with it. smile.gif

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