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SI: Columbia To Make ?Uncharted: Drake?s Fortune? Movie

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Sony / Columbia is set to make a movie about the journey of protagonist Nathan Drake (from the Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune game for PS3), supposed descendant of the explorer Sir Francis Drake, as he seeks the lost treasure of El Dorado, with the help of friend Victor “Sully” Sullivan and journalist Elena Fisher. Read more about the lore of Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune at the helpful Wikipedia page. The studio is developing a feature film, setting Kyle Ward to pen the adaptation that would be produced by Avi Arad, Charles Roven, Alex Gartner.

There’s no immediate word if this film will contain elements from Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune sequel video game announced at E3 2009. The Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune game for PS3 has sold millions of copies since its early console debut.

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