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SCMS current situation?

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I've found somewhere on the net that it was possible to turn SCMS off on a Sony MZ-R50 via setup mode (someone correct me if I'm wrong).

Now, since we know that service mode for, let's say, MZ-N707 and alike has been entered, has anyone had the chance to find where the settings for SCMS are?

I think maybe we could try and fill in a comprehensive table of the SCMS hack situation on different models -- how does this sound?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Antiorario,

That sounds awesome, is the method only MZ-R50's or is this a general method for all MD's? What was the site that you found this info. on? If you look at another of one of my posts im trying to figure out the same thing you are except on the software side except I dont have any resources (I.E. MD SDK). If we could hack it from the hardware aspect that would be awesome. Drop me an email and we can discuss more on this issue at codercpp@hotmail.com .



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It's linked to somewhere on here. Probably on the R50's page.

It's only effective on some early Japanese model R50's; the firmware was fixed in later ones. If you want to beat SCMS, either run your data through a PC (which can strip the SCMS bit) or TOC clone onto the disc (so that players will think it was an analog-recorded track).

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