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Sound Quality

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Guest Anonymous

well that all really depends. If your mp3s(128kbps) are recorded in LP4 mode then they are in worse quality than on the mp3s(128kbps) on your computer. it all depends on where the source of the mp3 came from. if the mp3 was ripped directly from a cd with a good encoder (LAME), then obviously it will have better quality. anyhow i wouldnt suggest using LP4 mode for listening to mp3s.

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Music recorded in LP4 sounds brittle to me. It lacks any power. However, voice recorded in LP4 is pretty darn good.

I'd say if you're going to be listening to your music in a noisy car, LP4 is fine. And the Guest is correct, it really depends on how the MP3 you're comparing it to was encoded.

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