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looking for an old md deck...

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I used to have an old orion cd-md deck but it broke so I've just bought a sony mds-jb980s.

I'm happy with it despite the openmg software trying to be too clever.

I have a sony portable player too (mze75 - really small), but want to find another MD deck to go from md to md easily and look good in my hifi setup.

Basically I want something a couple of years old so it won't recognise the netMD track limitation on the editing functions, so maybe non-sony. Or old sony that won't differentiate between netMD tracks and normal ones. As my new deck won't let me edit the netMD tracks scale factor edit, or erase the tracks without doing it through the openmg software.

I want it to be an MD deck as it'll be cheaper than a portable, non-sony or old sony, a few years old, digital outputs/inputs. It doesn't have to be a full width separate either. Something fairly simple just to delete netMD tracks and maybe do the other editing functions as well such as scale factor.

Any recommendations? then I'll have a look through eBay.

Thanks guys

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You can't fix the eject on the Orion? Might be cheaper. smile.gif

The only deck I own (or have ever owned) is a Sharp MD-R3. It will edit OpenMG's protected tracks, but it won't play LP2/4 tracks. And I certainly would NOT recommend it--this machine is a lemon if there ever was one. Mine works fine most of the time, but I've heard nothing but horror stories from everybody who has ever owned one (the block is extremely touchy and will misalign at the slightest jostle--like during shipping). Having said that, maybe you can find one super-cheap on eBay. :roll:

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