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malfunctioning N1?

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Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

so i've had my N1 since the holiday season and have taken great care of, made sure to never drop it, kept out of extreme temperatures etc..

my first indication of a problem was while trying to tape my 1st show (grrrrr...still mad about it). gear = N1, SP-mini bat box & in ear binaurals using line-in. i had made certain to charge my unit all day to make certain i had full charge for the show. once @ show all seemed good. doing sound check with the opener, got my levels right and proceeded to begin taping once main act started. i kept close attention to the flashing red "recording" led. no sooner than the 1st track was through and seconds into next, i see the led STOP!!! i quasi panic and quickly push to begin recording again and pay close attention the the lcd. lcd shows flashing low battery and recording stops due to "low battery" (I CHARGED IT ALL DAY!!!!!). so, after getting over this minor setback and enjoying the second half of an amazing show, i promptly returned home, threw my unit into the cradle to charge, went to bathroom and took it out of the cradle to listen to the quality of what i DID get (i know, i'm a gluten for punishment). the unit's lcd read "full" battery and played fine, from "no battery" dead to "full" after 3 minutes?!?!?!!!! wtf?!?!?!!! i have not attempted to tape a show since but, have tried to recreate the problem unsuccessfully.

my second indication of a problem has occured intermittently. sometimes when powering up to play, i received a "feedback" hum through the headphones. the lcd shows blank, i try to "power-down" by opening the disk bay on the unit...still hums. i try to press "stop" on the controller...still hums. i try unplugining the headphones...still hums. the only way i have been able to resolve this is by opening up the battery compartment and sliding the battery out for a second.

i hope i have been clear in my explanations. for the record, as of yet i have not knowingly applied any "hacks" to this unit.

any help or advise (other than to get a Sharp ; p) is GREATLY appreciated!!!



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