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bass roll-off level?

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I've just bought a battery box with bass roll-off to record live concerts. What level should I set it at? There are seven choices (16Hz, 69, 95, 107, 160, 195, 888).

The show I'm planning to record next will be outdoors, in a fair-sized courtyard with buildings on all four sides. I assume it's going to be fairly loud, and I plan to be pretty close to the stage. I'm using a pair of cardioid mics.

Also, there are going to be three different acts: a rock group, a rapper, and then Bela Fleck. Would it best for me to adjust the bass roll-off between each set?


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Guest Anonymous

Cardioids naturally reject a lot of bass. Personnally, I never use the filter and though I find my recording lack of bass afterwards.

Don't set it too high!

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