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Simpleburner doesn't always remeber my CDs!!

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Hi All,

I just bought a mz-n505 and I'm really happy with it (so far).

I'm a big simpleburner fan, 'cause I have all my music in CD. However I have noticed something odd.

I have a dial-up connection and when I want to record several CDs there is no use on being connected through all the process for getting the titles from CDDB. So what I do is connect to internet, and then I put all the CDs, one after the other, just waiting that each of them is recognized and its song titles appear. After that, I close the connection and hope that simple burner will 'remember' all my CDs. But it doesn't!! Only some of them are recognized the next time. I'm absolutely sure that when connected to CDDB all of them were recognized, as I don't any CD before I see its song titles.

Other details concerning this:

- If I enter the titles mannualy, the CD is afterwards recognized.

- The last CD recognized is the first one that I record. This one is always remembered.

Has anyone noticed the same?

Any solution?

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Same thing here. If you want simple burner to "remember" you disc, try making a very tiny change to the disc's titles. For example, try deleting and then re-entering the title of the disc and see if the computer saves it to memory.

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