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Panasonic SJ-MR220

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Hi all!

I was searching for information on my Panasonic SJ-MR220 about Digital Recording, when I stumbled on this forum.

After doing a search of this forum for SJ-MR220 there were only about 4 posts [1 repost] and none of them could answer my problem.

So I'm hoping that you can help me.

Here is my problem.

When I stick in my recorder cable that came with the machine that plugs into the back of my DVD Player's Audio Out and into the SJ-MR220's Opt/Line-In.

It gives me this message:

"Digital HDES"


"Digital In, UNLOCK"

* How do I "unlock" it?

** And what is the best way to record MD tapes using SJ-MR220?

Thank you soo much for your attention and time!

I look forward to hearing your responses!


P.S. I had sent a PM to Mystyler, but after I pressed "submit" it would make me login again. Very wierd. So I decided to make this msg public. Just to be sure.

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Stealthy, have you got your manual handy? :twisted:

Basically, "Din Unlock" means that it can tell that it is ment to be recording a digital signal, but it can't detect any signal...in this case, it is more than likely due to the DVD's SCMS copy protection. If you can't get around it, then apart from spending huge sums of money on an SCMS bit stripper, or re-wiring your DVD player to play via your soundcard with digital I/O, then you'll have to record in analouge.


If you're recording from a decent DVD unit, then you will be hard pressed to tell the difference between digital and analogue.

For tapes, the best way is simply pop the tape in the deck, connect your MD to the tape deck's line out, and go from there. biggrin.gif

As a side note, I didn't get your PM. :wink:

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