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Hello, and q's on check-in/check-out

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Hello, first time poster here after lurking for a few months. Kudos on a great forum and a great resource. I use MDs both professionally and at home, so I'm glad you're all here!

Two questions about check-in/check-out limits in SonicStage:

1) If I have 3 different versions of the same song by the same artist, transfer them to MD, does SonicStage recognize that as 1 song checked out 3 times, or 3 songs checked out once each? This become important with concert versions of an artist's song.

2) I have read in another thread that this will reset the counter:

just delete all the *.mdb files and the *.bak. Then reopen Sonic Stage. It will give you an error that no Data base could be found and ask you if you will want to create a new copy. Click yes. Viola.

Does this work?

If you're wondering why I just don't use the Dino method with Simple Burner to avoid SonicStage... I have, and for some reason I can't get SimpleBurner to recognize the CD text song titles. The same image file read in SonicStage DOES see the song titles. Odd, but it sends me to Sonic Stage.

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