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Playlist Exporting

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Hi. I use OpenMg and have Windows Media PLayer 9 on my laptop but I can't use Realplayer on my computer at all for various reasons. So sometimes I export music and sounds to OpenMg that were recorded or downloaded in .wav format. I use the playlist feature quite a lot on Windows media player - for example just select "Rock" and the program will make a random playlist for me that's all rock songs etc etc. Some of these playlists are very good as I have tons of albums for it to choose from on my HDD.

When I go to "import" on OpenMg and try to import the playlist , the drop down folder for that playlist is empty - I presume because windows media player doesn't actually move songs to the playlist folder - so OpenMg can't find anything there to import. Does anyone know how to import these playlists? (apart from the obvious of importing it song by song - too painful with OpenMg!!) :smile:

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