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Happy St. Patrick's Day

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Just wanted to greet everyone on this special day, as Ireland is a big part of my heritage I just had to say something. I lived there for a significant portion of my life [the port town of Skerries, specifically] and this day was always such fun. I hope that everyone who is participating in festivities has a great time, and be safe! What's everyone's plans?

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Study, study, sleep. :whatever:

I was going to go plan to hang with a few friends of Irish background today (planned for it to be today, but /self is not Irish). Mainly, hit the arcade and scare everyone with Dance Dance Revolution-ing :happy:

Happy St. Patrick's Day, to those out there!

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No big plans til this weekend when they shut down an entire town for a St Patrick's parade. Not a parade fan myself, but my friends are dying to be there, so off I go. :wacky:

I'm imagining the food will be good, so hey. I think I can weather it.

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