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HELP - Sony MZ-R55 wont respond...

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i have a sony MZ-R55. i was listening to track 2 when the battery went flat and the unit stoped. i swaped to my second battery and now the unit will not respond atall. when i put a disk in and close the case the spinning disc icon is shown but after about a minute it says 'disc error' and then if i open and close again it says 'no disk'.

i have tried leaving the battery out for a few minutes but its doesnt help.

its almost like it needs a reset???

help please!


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right, i downloaded the service manual and was having a go with the settings.

if i go into the settings and press the 'track back' button it goes into the (assy mode) and i can hear the laser moving. then i disconnect the power and try the disc and it works. if i then remove the disc and then put it back and try again, it doesnt work again...... mad.gif

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Easy there tiger. I deleted your "bumps" to this thread. Welcome to the forums, btw - please don't do this again. :sleep:

Sounds like your unit may be done. I've heard of similiar issues and repair was the last option - but I would honestly try operating the unit without battery and just a straight AC connection and see if it'll operate. You may also want to let it rest for a day or so and then try it out.

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