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MZ-NF810 Problem!!!

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Hi guys, recently I've started having this problem with my NetMD Recorder. I was using SS one night to transfer some songs onto a disc real quick before I had to go out, and SS froze up on me.

I couldn't get it to shut down, and it froze before the last song was transfered. I couldn't get it unfrozen and couldn't stop the 810 from doing it's thing so I forcefully quit SS and my 810 just wouldn't stop spinning the disc.

If I pressed a button, it would say "BUSY", so I had to take the battery out to keep it from doing that all night long.

When I woke up the next morning, I figured I'd try and see if I can fix the problem, so I slid the battery back into the unit and it worked fine. But none of the songs SS was putting on there were recorded.

I tried re-recording those songs in SS again, and it would do the same thing. Spin the disc repeatedly for a second or two at a time and then stop.

Now it'll work for a few minutes, and it'll do that sh*t again and there's nothing I can do about it.

I tried different recording devices like Real One player and it did the same thing. I tried using a different MD and it still does it.

Please help, I'm dying without my 810.

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I did all of that, but the problem DOES NOT SEEM to lie within the software. Granted SS1.5 and below is the shittiest piece of Software I have ever come across, but that's not the problem.

When the process of me getting those songs on there was interrupted, I think it triggered some kind of problem with the unit itself. It's like it's stuck halfway between worlds and doesn't know what to do.

Like an unfinished download which you try to continue, and it'll work with a good download manager. But if you move the half done file to a new location and try to continue the download, you get an error.

The disc inside my 810 has been spining continuously for almost 1 hour now, and it just won't stop until I pull the battery out.

What the hell could be wrong?

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all, I'm new to the forum but have been using several different minidisc models over the past 5 years.

Srce, I just bought the same recorder/player new thru ubid and am experiencing pretty much the same thing. I put a prerecorded disc that I had recorded on my 505 and it will not play. However, as you seem to have experienced, my disc appears to keep spinning and will not stop doing so until I remove the battery.

I set it up according to the manual to no avail. I even tried to record on a clean disc per instructions from Sony online tech support and it would not allow me to record.

Sony had no answer for me other then to say I should ship the unit out to their exchange center in Larado Texas for a new one.

Can anyone at all here explain what might be wrong with these units or what I may be doing wrong?


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The other minidisc recorders I have all work fine with the software/computer I use to copy music with. It's the actual minidisc unit itself that is an issue.

To just show how strange it all is, I just went to a local Best Buy store and asked a clerk who is familiar with recorders, etc to take a look at the unit. He put the minidisc in and wouldn't you know, the damn thing actually worked?

Then when I walked out of the store and put the disc in, it did the same thing as it did prior to going there. Now it isn't working again.


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He used the one I've been having an issue with. Bingo. It displayed song titles, began playing, able to skip over to next track, etc. I haven't a clue in the owrld why it worked for him, but will not work for me. I have tried several different discs and it is the same issue.

Now, I just took the battery out of it and sat it in the AC cradle and popped in the same disc. And it worked. I unplugged it, popped the battery back in and pressed the play button and currently it works.

But it keeps going back and forth. I'm almost afraid to press the stop button for fear that the damn thing will decide to not work again.

This is so confusing. And Sony claims to not have any service centers in my area (central NJ) to look at it.

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