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Question about Hi-MD as a storage device

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Ok as we now know, we can use Hi-MD as an external storage device/drive. When we connect it to the USB port it should show up in "My Computer" as a drive. Now my question is...Can I stream lets say a video clip stored on the disc itself to play on the computer OR do I have to first copy it to the hard drive first to play it. What I am getting at here is what kind of access speed can the MD UNIT itself accomplish? Is it going to be fast enough to be able to stream video or lets even say files stored as mp3?? I hope I am making sense here.. :sad:blink.gif :wacky:

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According to Sony, the Hi-MD-recorders conform to the USB-Storage-Standard, so they will show up like any other storage-device, e.g. a USB-Stick.

And they work like any other USB-storage device, so streaming directly off a MD should pose no problem.

Speed might pose a problem for high datarate movies.

MDCenter.nl had the opportunity to do a speed test:

"The transfer rate of a data-mode file copy (200MB video file) to MD (i.e. download) is 3.55 Mbps (Sony datasheet says 4.37 Mbps)

The transfer rate of a data-mode file copy (same 200MB video file) from MD to PC (i.e. upload) is 6.22 Mbps (Sony datasheet says 4.37 Mbps)"

If I recalculate that into kBytes per second, it is similar to a double-speed(350kB) CD-drive on write and a quad-speed(600kByte) on read.

Your videofiles should stay be below that 6MBit/sec, then they should play. Thats 100MByte for about three minutes - Near DVD-Quality...

Link: http://www.minidisc.org/himd_mdcenter_news.html

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