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Good 2nd MD player for family

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I recently purchased an MZ-N707 recorder on eBay, and ideally would like to buy a second minidisc player for the rest of the family. Here are the qualities I'm looking for:

1. compatibility with any/all discs recorded on the 707. this is mostly stuff recorded via the USB interface, but live stuff as well.

2. low cost!

3. rechargable battery

4. ideally, it could sit in the charging stand of the 707.

What would folks here recommend?

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I'm pretty sure only the 707 will sit in its charging stand. Otherwise, you're looking for an LP unit with a rechargable battery...and probably one that's easy to use.

Sony's MZ-R900 would do it, but it runs about $US100 on ebay. Another 707 would be your best bet if you can find a deal on one.

Possibly the MZ-N505? It's more within your price range, uses the same AC adapter and will charge a Ni-MH battery like the one Minidisco offers.

Otherwise, check out the MZ-R700 and MZ-R500 to see what the prices will be on ebay. The R500 will probably be the cheapest LP player/recorder you'll find (keep in mind the 500 and 505 do not have microphone input). My girlfriend has an R500 and loves it.

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Yeah, the 505 runs off the same AC adapter, but it lacks that little square hole in the bottom that connects with the 707's cradle. If you're feeling bold, you can also do the hack on the 505 to get a few extra features.

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