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Still a restricted format

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Am I right in thinking that the Hi-MD, whilst a great leap forward is still a closed format, cos Sony is paranoid about copyright considerations? As I understand it I couldn't put some music from my computer onto a Hi-MD disk and so that a friend could get it off that disk on to a different machine.

BUT I could use that disc as a portable storage media, so I could put some MP3s on it, friend could use it but I couldn't listen to it on my portable player.

Someone set me straight if I'm wrong, but I have to say that's a shame if I'm right. It's still not quite the format of the future that it ought to be. I got burned by forking out for a NetMD and the software was such a piece of shit, I have no intention of paying any money for anything short of the ultimate portable media Minidisc ought to be mellow.gif

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