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Airport Express and SonicStageII?

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I'm not sure if this is technically the right forum, but since SS2 is shipping with Hi-MD I thought this might be the best place to ask.

Ok, Apple (boo hiss!) has released this very cool device that is a 802.11g router, firewall, bridge, USB printer port, and a wireless music output. Given it's size and price it's going to be popular (IMO), but do you think SS will be able to use it? I'm going to guess no (Apple = itunes = MP3), but it would certainly be an excellent option...


link - http://www.apple.com/airportexpress/

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MD bookshelf, yes, but you're not using the MD part of it. This thing is just a DAC, you play stuff on iTunes, iTunes I assume will then do some funky compression and send it to the Airport, Airport decompresses it and runs it through the DAC, then out it goes through the line out into your amp and speakers.

The essential part is iTunes, you need it for the Airport to work. Having SS2 work with it is an absolute no way. There's no chance in hell Apple would give Sony any information on how it could get SS2 to work, and Sony doesn't have a slight interest in this either.

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