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I believe the Sharp DR480 will be the best buy out of that trio, that is if you don't want NetMD. Will transferring tracks via the computer [i.e. *.mp3's and such] be the main focus of your experience? You need to be a little more specific as to what you'll be doing with the unit.

Also, please look at our equipment browser listings for these units:

MZ-N1: http://minidisc.org/part_Sony_MZ-N1.html

MZ-N10: http://minidisc.org/part_Sony_MZ-N10.html

MD-DR480: http://minidisc.org/part_Sharp_MD-DR470+DR480+DR7.html

After you read that come forth with your questions..

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I've already read the features...(I didn't help me much).

But thanks to you I've noticed that the 480 don't support netMD, and most of the music i have It's MP3...

when I read about the units, it's clear to me that the N-10 is a good one (maybe...). But, my real problem is that I'm afraid that after I'll buy a unit, after a while, I'll realize that it have a problems... (like It can't record after a year, it happened to my friend... or usb don't works.. ect...)

what do you thing?

Which one should I choose? (N1, N10, 99X)???

ThanX a lot, and sorry about my bad english...

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Some early N1's had problems reported, though many (including mine) have performed flawlessly for many years, and a new one would undoubtedly be fine.

The N10 is more up to date and may be slightly better sounding than the N1.

To be honest, any modern NetMD, Sony or Sharp would be fine and reliable. How about the N910 or the Sharp DR580/80.

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I don't have in israel the DR589 nor the n910.

and in the internet i found that the price is too high...

so i can only dream about the DR80...

I saw at minidisco the DR-80 and i loved it, but I have here is Israel the N10 with the the same price...

my problem is that if the unit get spoiled after awhile what will I do?

Here, I got a year warranty , but, if I'll buy from the internet, it will be a problem ...

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I'm not sure if the N10 you get in Israel is the world model or the european model. The euro model is capped at 2.5mW per channel, so I wouldn't really recommend that. The N1 should be fine, though, just that it's slightly long in the tooth as a unit. Do you have any other options?

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Here, I don't have much choices. maybe the NF810 or 701.

And I don't like those units...

If I'll buy at minidisco, you know how the warranty procedure works?

If it's acceptable here in israel? at the company importer?

Cause, if I'll buy it from minidisco and have someone in Israel, who I can talk to If I'll have a problem It Will be great and I'll buy the DR-80 from there.

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I wouldn't buy from Minidisco if your buying internationally. Minidisco is geared as being a US-buyer based retailer. Once you've had your unit for ninety days, you'll have to contact Sony by yourself to have the warranty covered/unit repaired, which would be through Sony Asia Pacific. It'd be better off for you to buy from Hyperjack/Audiocubes, as they have better repair/warranty for international buyers, and in the case of repair you would send the unit back to them and they have the unit repaired by Sony Japan.

Good luck with whatever you do!

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