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Huge Probs with NetMD transfers :(

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im getting major probs transferring to my MD atm.. im not sure if its the MD or the software tho (my player has a habit of turning itself off sometimes, and restarting where the last restart was..) its not been dropped or anything and its only 6 months old, im a bit peeved off to say the least.

its been a while since these problems started, but i originally put it down to a dodgy windows install before. the only thing i've changed hardware wise is the soundcard, which MIGHT be linked, im not sure.

problems are:

SS2.0 (both icedteas build and the official release) will randomly crash after transferring one song (i think) from mp3 in LP2. the MD display will still say TOC EDIT and i'll have to pull the cord out. i'm sure i've had crashes with simple recorder too, but only after ss2.0 was installed im sure.. i dont use SS1.0 at all, as i hate the check in system. LP4 seemed to transfer across, but then it refused to refresh the display.. could be a one off on that tho, as i don't use LP4 much, i just did it as a test.

the problem happened in normal and safe mode bootups.

if i can help with screenshots or anything, please ask.. atm i can't use my MD except for the 4 or so MDs i have with songs on it, i dont have the optical cable as it got mixed up at my old house and was never found sad.gif

thanks guys

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ok i'll give it another shot. i did install iced's build from a fresh install of windows mind (well, fresh to NetMD anyway, i've had it on a few weeks) so its not conflicting with any previous install

is the soundcard used in any way at all, as im thinkin there MIGHT be a problem due to it, its only an old SB16 ISA...

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yep. i might try and uninstall it and run simple burner 1 (if i can find it) and see if the problem arises with that and the old style of xferring mp3s (im sure i didn't get crashes it just took longer hence my switch to SS2.

it just says something like OMJGJUKEBOX has caused a fault etc etc, and usually one file has transferred with another 95% thru from memory. i think a screensnap will probably be the easiest way to show you what happens... i just seriously hope its not the MD player itself (already the remote got smashed (as in another thread) and i haven't told the parents (was a xmas present) so don't really wanna take it back :/ )

just my luck i guess sad.gif

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i tried using LP2/LP4/SP and all 3 methods failed with the same error at the same point. i'll try installing the software on my parents hunk-a-junk and see if it works on that (altho its likely the software won't even load. its like that :/ )

thanks a lot of looking

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ss2.0 works fine on my parents box, so its definitely software related on mine. im fairly sure thats good news biggrin.gif im still dubious about my soundcard (alas the onboard audio doesn't work properly, and never has done.. cheap ass vendor!) as the only probs i get with software tend to be audio related. i've taken off some bits of software that might be causing it, and i'll strip the registry of ss2.0 stuff and reinstall later, and fingers crossed biggrin.gif 10 new blanks of MDs to fill with tunes heh

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  • 3 weeks later...


Do not run WinAmp or any other media player while running transferring songs to the MD.

It causes problems. I don't know if it causes THIS problem, but it caused me problems. I could never listen to music while copying music to my MD unit. For me, WinAmp would crap out, not SonicStage, but try it.

Try running SonicStage without any other processor- or memory-intensive programs running.

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