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Very strange and sad- BlankDisc after falling

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eyal friedmann

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Hello all

I'm new to this forum

I've encountered a very strange and very sad problem-

My minidisc fell (it wasn't playing when it fell). within it was a Disc that contained many persoanl recording.

Once it fell, the MD could not recognize it and claims it to be a blank disc.

It is not!

I tried several times reloading it, loading different discs (that worked fine).

only this disc's information is gone!

How could it have been erased just by falling?


Please, I would greatly appriciate any help!!!

The music on this cd is precious to me...

Thanks ,

hope you'll know what to do...


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It sounds like something damaged the disc's table of contents when it fell. If this is the case, your music is still on the disc and safe.

If you can, try to play it on a different MD recorder. If the other recorder reads the disc, go into 'Edit' mode and change something small (add a space at the end of the disc title, for example) so the other recorder rewrites the MD's table of contents. Then see if your dropped player will read it.

If another MD machine will not read the disc, you may want to try your hand at TOC cloning. For information on one method, follow this link:


...and check the bottom of the page for links to other machines that allow you to clone the table of contents. It may mean you have to re-insert track marks, but at least you'll have your music back.

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