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Very off topic! I need help with my router!

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My stupid internet connection won't route.

It is a BellSouth PPPoE connection that is bizarre in the fact that it always wants a password... the modem doesn't store it and keep connection alive, which is mystifying to me. (This did not happen at the last place I lived.)

I have a Motorola 802.11g wireless router (no I'm not messing with wireless yet, still trying to get the regular ethernet to fscking route).

Anyhow. >.>;

Does anyone know how to make the router and the modem play nice? ^.^

BTW, the connection works fine if I plug it straight into my PC, but more than me needs to use this connection.

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I had a similar problem awhile back when I switched from Cable to ADSL.

I'm not sure what PPPoE is, but you may have to call your tech support and talk to them. Or you could wait for Kurisu to reply, who is infact tech support.

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Try this first -

Shut down the computer. Disconnect the power to the router and modem. Wait a minute. Plug in the power to the modem only. Wait a minute. Plug in the power to the router. Wait a minute. Turn on the computer.

PPPoE = DSL, right? If so, access the dsl modem by typing in the ip address to it [same thing to access the router, I assume] and switch the modem from pppoe [after unchecking DHCP if applicable] to bridged ethernet. Change settings on the router to pppoe and put in the user/pass. If that doesn't work I have a few other tricks.

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NB Some modems do only bridged (like mine), while others have PPPoE/oA clients built in.

Usually if the modem does native PPPoE, it *should* store the password, but if you get asked for one, you might be using XP to handle PPPoE.

*sigh* I'm still waiting for line sync to get back up on mine. Damn Telstra.

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Usually if the modem does native PPPoE, it *should* store the password, but if you get asked for one, you might be using XP to handle PPPoE.

This modem is quite capable of storing PPPoE information or functioning as bridged ethernet...

... but for some reason, it won't store the password; it forces Windows XP to do that. Also, even though my router is telling it what the password is, it will not accept it.

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